Lately we’ve amassed an excess of unrecorded time. And so, we dump it all into a portalesque day called “Leap”-- a day that now signifies flip-flops, role reversals, and a temporary global-weirding we only have to worry about once every four years. When the portal opens in late February, Species will present Leap Day, a solo exhibition by Brook Sinkinson Withrow featuring videos, portable documents, and other objects.
BSW is curious about diversions hidden in the mundane readymades: the craigslist post, the television script, and the infomercial can be destabilizing, psychedelic, galvanizing, and hilarious. They have to be--as they predict and give form to our ecological and societal coming days. Will we escape that ever-watchful data-driven surveilling gaze to romp in pastoral bliss, escaping to an ecosystem that has become grotesque and ominous? What bodies will be able to safely peddle and profit from the anti-anxiety substance blends that subdue the chatter of an impending 6th extinction?
This cycling of speculation, consequence, and subversion is how BSW works through her projects. To enter these possibilities, you first need to be presented with a portal. In Leap Day, a multitude of screens--filmic, sculptural, and surrogate--will be your guide.
Exhibition Checklist
Press Release pdf
Download a collection of Brook's past writing here
Leap Day
2016, audio by Tom Harrington, 3 mins 30 secs
Surveillance-free Tent
2015, 6 mins 17 secs